About me
Hey, I'm Tris.
I'm an inner hero unleasher, word wrangler, tree hugger and betta fish butler. And, as of May 2019 I'm a one-breasted wonder, in the style of the Goddess Artemis.
I had a left side mastectomy after developing breast cancer and immediately started applying my own fierce brand of radical self love to the situation. Although I plan to get a prosthetic in case I want to wear it sometimes, my true aim is to be comfortable in my body exactly as it is, and love it exactly as it is. When I told my husband, he responded "so basically one tit, don't give a shit?"
And this blog was born.
I'm an inner hero unleasher, word wrangler, tree hugger and betta fish butler. And, as of May 2019 I'm a one-breasted wonder, in the style of the Goddess Artemis.
I had a left side mastectomy after developing breast cancer and immediately started applying my own fierce brand of radical self love to the situation. Although I plan to get a prosthetic in case I want to wear it sometimes, my true aim is to be comfortable in my body exactly as it is, and love it exactly as it is. When I told my husband, he responded "so basically one tit, don't give a shit?"
And this blog was born.
Me the day after the operation, kicking things off with this pic, which I shared on Facebook, because I wanted to start as I mean to go on - shamelessly. #nomakeup, #actuallywearingpyjamas
Big Ass Disclaimer
I can only share how I feel and what works / doesn't work for me. However you feel and how ever you need to cope, go with it.
I'm here to share, not to argue, debate, or get into online wankery. So, as younger and trendier people than me say, don't @ me.