Happy First Asymmetric Week!

Today is a week from my mastectomy, and boy howdy have I learned a lot, about the op, and other things. Here are my faves!

  • It’s nowhere near as bad as I feared! In my head I was worried I’d be flat on my back for days, unable to function. But by the third day I was able to go for a short walk, and do most things, just very carefully.
  • Phantom sensations are a real thing!! I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve told Storm “the nipple that isn’t there hurts!!”
  • I’m stronger than I thought. When it was 2AM on surgery day and a district nurse had to come out because some sutures were loose, I was a wreck. I thought we’d have to go back to the hospital and as we don’t have a car, get a taxi home. But with encouragement from Storm, who used to be a nurse, I ascertained that there was no active bleeding and it was ok to get some sleep and rest from the op first before making decisions.
  • This was also a great lesson in listening to what I need and doing that.
  • People care A LOT. I’ve been truly touched by the love and support of my friends.
  • It’s really easy to forget, move suddenly, and regret it!
  • Sleeping post mastectomy involves at least ten pillows / wedges / bolsters, a certain amount of civil engineering, and a lot of patience.
  • Essential oils, reiki, and affirmations work. I’ve always enjoyed those things, but never really used them in a crisis situation before.
  • People do notice, sometimes. Maybe it’s to do with where I live, but I’ve definitely copped a few people looking in confusion at my chest!
  • It’s up to me whether that’s a problem. I’ve decided it isn’t.
  • Humour will get you far!! Storm has made me laugh so much, and it helps. Having one breast is weird - it’s ok to laugh about it!!
  • Cancer did change me but not in lightning bolt heavenly clarion kind of way. More like a deep knowing that it’s vital I spend my life in a way that feels worthwhile to be.
  • It also showed me that apart from a few tweaks, I’m genuinely happy with my life, and I’m grateful for that.
  • Cancer doesn’t have to be a battle. It can be an opportunity to be on the same team as my body, not against her.
  • Asymmetry really is cool.


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